To make it easy to handle date and time, JavaScript has
a built in
This creates a variable called
The most commonly used methods of
You might have come across sites that wish you a
Good morning or a Good evening depending
on the time you visit it. This can be achieved by
checking the current time and inserting the appropriate
greeting using the <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide this code from non JavaScript browsers currentTime = new Date(); if (currentTime.getHours() < 12) document.write("Good morning"); else if (currentTime.getHours() < 17) document.write("Good afternoon"); else document.write("Good evening"); // End of JavaScript code --> </SCRIPT>
Here is a clock program written in JavaScript.
The source code for it is given below. <TABLE BORDER=4 BGCOLOR=CYAN> <TR><TD> <FORM NAME="clock_form"> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="clock" SIZE=25> </FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide from non JavaScript browsers function clockTick() { currentTime = new Date(); document.clock_form.clock.value = " "+currentTime; document.clock_form.clock.blur(); setTimeout("clockTick()", 1000); } clockTick(); // End of clock --> </SCRIPT> </TD></TR> </TABLE>The setTimeout() function is discussed in
more detail on the Scroller
page. The blur() method is used to
remove focus from the Clock textbox.