Guide to JavaScript



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Add A Form

A Form is an HTML construct used to get input from the user, which is usually processed using CGI Scripts or similar mechanisms. If you are not familiar with forms and CGI scripts, you should read An Instantaneous Introduction to CGI Scripts and HTML Forms.

Creating A Form

The following is a form with three fields, a submit button and a reset button.

Enter your name : 
 Enter your age : 
  Date of birth : 

The above form was created using HTML code similar to the following :
<FORM NAME="sample" METHOD=POST ACTION="/scripts/youraction.exe">
    Enter your name : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="yourname" SIZE=30><BR>
     Enter your age : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="yourage" SIZE=3><BR>
      Date of birth : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="yourdob" SIZE=10><BR>
We can refer to this form as document.sample. The first text field is document.sample.yourname and the second field is document.sample.yourage. To get the text which is entered in the first text field, you can use document.sample.yourname.value . Now let us see how to go about validating the data entered.

Validating the form

To add validation to your form, there are two things that have to be done. The first is to write a JavaScript routine which does the validation (for this example, we will name the function validateForm()) and the second is to modify the <FORM> tag to <FORM NAME="sample" METHOD=POST ACTION="/scripts/youraction.exe" onSubmit="return validateForm()"> The above line tells the browser to call validateForm() when the user submits the form. The following is the code for validateForm()
    <!-- Hide code from non-js browsers
    function validateForm1()
	formObj = document.sample;
	if ((formObj.yourname.value == "") ||
	    (formObj.yourage.value  == "") ||
	    (formObj.yourdob.value  == "")) {
	    alert("You have not filled in all the fields.");
	    return false;
	    return true;
    // end hiding -->
And here is the form with the added validation.
Enter your name : 
 Enter your age : 
  Date of birth : 

If any of the fields are blank, an alert box will pop up and the form won't be submitted. The form is submitted if the validation routine returns a true; if it returns false , the submit operation is cancelled.

Setting the focus

Note: The following example may not work on Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. You will find that the focus is not set properly. I think the problem occurs only if you have installed the patch but I am not sure about this.

In the preceeding example, the message gave no clue as to which field is actually causing problems. Usually forms are much bigger and such a message will not be of much use. In the next form, not only is the message more informative, but the cursor is also placed at the erring field so that the user can start typing in directly. For example, to position the cursor in the first field (yourname), we can use the JavaScript function document.sample.yourname.focus(). Here is the modified function.

    <!-- Hide code from non-js browsers
    function validateForm()
	formObj = document.sample;
	if (formObj.yourname.value == "") {
	    alert("You have not filled in the name field.");
	    return false;
	else if (formObj.yourage.value == "") {
	    alert("You have not filled in the age field.");
	    return false;
	else if (formObj.yourdob.value == "") {
	    alert("You have not filled in your date of birth.");
	    return false;
    // end hiding -->
Here is our new form.
Enter your name : 
 Enter your age : 
  Date of birth :